About Event

Women In Tech: BMP Women Empowerment Series of Events

One-in-three women say they experience gender bias at work. In the last 21 years, the number of female software engineers has increased by just 2%. Women currently hold only 26.7% of tech-related jobs. Just 10% of those in C-suite professional roles are women. Since 2019, the representation of women in senior vice president roles has decreased from 18% to 13%.

There are many systemic problems that need to be addressed for women to achieve greater equality in tech, pay and workplace culture issues.

BMP Technologies is a technology partner to some of the largest customers in Australia. We focus on delivering digital transformations with a heavy focus on quality assurance. BMP has a strong team of women in technology sales who would like to drive a change in the community. We will be doing a series of workshops to empower women and also help them find more suitable jobs back in the community.

Who's Speaking?

Mona Thind

Director, Strategy NSW eHealth

Mona Thind

Director, Strategy NSW eHealth

DR Michelle Veljanovska

Data Analytics Leader NSW Transport

DR Michelle Veljanovska

Data Analytics Leader NSW Transport

Bethany Lovell

Head of Delivery and Digital Woolworths

Bethany Lovell

Head of Delivery and Digital Woolworths

Conference Schedule

5:30 - 5:40PM

Opening Addres by Stephanie Giannis

5:40 - 6:10PM

"From a caterpillar to a butterfly" by Mona Thind

6:10 - 6:35 PM

Always stay human - unless you are a Superhero by
Dr. Michelle Vejanovska

6:35 - 7:00 PM

Drinks, Nibbles & Networking

7:00 - 7:30 PM

Progress over perfection by Bethany Lovell

7:30 - 8:00 PM

Closing by Surya Pillai

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